Who Provides the STEAM in Tucson and Southern Arizona?

Ever wonder about the organizations behind the STEM and STEAM programs in Southern Arizona?
Here’s a quick roundup, in no order but alphabetical, of just a few of the *whos* responsible for the amazing learning opportunities that happen here!
Bio5 Institute at the University of Arizona
Biosphere 2
Children’s Museum Tucson
Debbie Does STEAM
Department of Astronomy and Steward Observatory, University of Arizona
Flandrau Science Center and Planetarium
Kuiper Circle Outreach
LPL (University of Arizona Lunar and Planetary Laboratory)
Pima Air and Space Museum
Pima County JTED (Joint Technology Education District)
Pima County Public Library
PSI (Planetary Science Institute)
SARSEF (Southern Arizona Research Science and Engineering Foundation)
Science City at the Tucson Festival of Books
SparkConnect, Inc.
Startup Tucson
The STEMAZing Project, from the Office of the Pima County School Superintendent
Tucson STEM Community
Private Facebook group–contact Debbie Does STEAM for details
UA STEM Learning Center
University of Arizona College of Science
Arizona SciTech
Arizona Technology Council
Helios Foundation
Science Foundation Arizona
Did you spot some I’ve missed? Please let me know and I will add them to the list!